Crop Disease Podcast
Constantly dealing with disease outbreaks on your paddock? Sprayed a fungicide lately that just didn’t seem to work? Or perhaps trying to catch up on some agronomy while on the move? Join Megan Jones from the Centre for Crop and Disease Management (CCDM) as she interviews researchers, growers and agronomists on all things crop disease from across the Australian grain growing region. The CCDM is a national research centre co-supported by Curtin University and the Grains Research and Development Corporation.
Crop Disease Podcast
Learning about agrochemicals: Prof Josh Mylne goes seeding with Clint Della Bosca
Have you ever heard of a lab-based Professor going out to the country and trying his hand at seeding?To learn more about the end-use of agrochemicals, CCDM’s Deputy Director Josh Mylne has given it a go, currently in the middle of a 12 day stint with farmer Clint Della Bosca out on the eastern fringe of the wheatbelt.In this podcast, Josh will give a quick run down on his seeding experience so far and how it will help his research in agrochemicals. Clint will also give an update on his seeding program, as well as his plans for the coming season.