Crop Disease Podcast
Constantly dealing with disease outbreaks on your paddock? Sprayed a fungicide lately that just didn’t seem to work? Or perhaps trying to catch up on some agronomy while on the move? Join Megan Jones from the Centre for Crop and Disease Management (CCDM) as she interviews researchers, growers and agronomists on all things crop disease from across the Australian grain growing region. The CCDM is a national research centre co-supported by Curtin University and the Grains Research and Development Corporation.
Podcasting since 2019 • 30 episodes
Crop Disease Podcast
Latest Episodes
Introducing PRIM and fungicide resistance updates
Wouldn't it be something to see all current and historical fungicide resistant results all in one place? In this podcast episode, let us introduce PRIM - the Pesticide Resistance Integrated Mapping tool from GRDC's Analytics for the Aus...

2024 Seasonal Update - REVIEW: How did we go across Australia?
We’ve hit mid-October, and the season is coming to an end. So how did the season finish up in different regions of Australia? That’s where we come in. Along with CCDM Director Mark Gibberd, join Megan Jones as she speaks to three ag...

Sclerotinia stem rot research update in lupins and canola
It’s September and its starting to warm up. In many regions across Australia, the winter has been a warm and wettish one, and in such conditions in the past, we’ve seen some significant sclerotinia outbreaks take off. So just in cas...

Seasonal Update - What's going on across the country (late August)
It’s now late August, and what started off to be a very dry start, has either stayed dry, or become a little wetter in some regions. But how does one region, compare to another? That’s where we come in. Along with CCDM’s Mark Gibber...

2024 Seasonal Update - what's happening in paddocks across Australia - late June
The 2024 season has begun and the crops are just starting to come out of the ground in what seems to be a bit of a slow start. But how does one region compare to another? That’s where we come in. Along with CCDM’s Mark Gibberd, join...