Crop Disease Podcast
Constantly dealing with disease outbreaks on your paddock? Sprayed a fungicide lately that just didn’t seem to work? Or perhaps trying to catch up on some agronomy while on the move? Join Megan Jones from the Centre for Crop and Disease Management (CCDM) as she interviews researchers, growers and agronomists on all things crop disease from across the Australian grain growing region. The CCDM is a national research centre co-supported by Curtin University and the Grains Research and Development Corporation.
Crop Disease Podcast
Fungicide resistance frequencies: How much blotch until a paddock is blotched?
ere at the Centre for Crop and Disease Management, we’ve been pretty good at identifying cases of fungicides resistance, and letting farmers know if they have it in the paddock. As good as this is, we’ve only been able to say if the resistant pathogen is present or absent, and not able to tell them how much is there, and what strategy will have the biggest impact in managing it... But we’re getting closer!In this podcast episode, CCDM researcher Noel Knight discusses his project into fungicide resistance frequencies, where he has been studying 20 barley paddocks in the WA wheatbelt, and has determined the exact percentage of fungicide resistant net blotch pathogens.Kellerberrin and Cunderdin agronomist Dan Taylor from DKT Rural Agencies also joins the show to give his perspective on the research and how this information could help growers improve their fungicide management strategies.