Crop Disease Podcast
Crop Disease Podcast
2023 Seasonal Update on crop disease - what's happening across Australia?
The 2023 season is underway and there’s been a mixed bag of challenges already. But what’s going on where? That’s where we come in.
Along with CCDM Director Mark Gibberd, join Megan Jones as she speaks to four agronomists to find out the current issues of the season and the next management strategy to think about. We'll hear from:
- Tessa Dimond, AGnVET, St George, QLD, on the dry start so far and the importance of rotation and being vigilant on the back of a high pressure year.
- Fred Broughton, Rural Management Strategies, Cootamundra, NSW, on the good start to the season so far and playing it by ear for the next six weeks given the dry forecast predicted.
- Mick Faulkner, Agrilink Agricultural Consultants, Penwortham, SA, about the high expectation of stripe rust and septoria tritici blotch infections as well as managing nitrogen levels in the coming weeks.
- Monica Field, Farm and General, Esperance, WA, on the shift in hectares from barley to more canola and wheat, and how the tightening of rotations could increase disease pressure this season.
Mark also gives his perspective on the season so far and recommends if growers or advisors see any problems with unexpected fungicide failure to contact CCDM's fungicide resistance team at frg@curtin.edu.au, and he also recommends visiting the AFREN website for management advice at www.afren.com.au
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