Crop Disease Podcast
Constantly dealing with disease outbreaks on your paddock? Sprayed a fungicide lately that just didn’t seem to work? Or perhaps trying to catch up on some agronomy while on the move? Join Megan Jones from the Centre for Crop and Disease Management (CCDM) as she interviews researchers, growers and agronomists on all things crop disease from across the Australian grain growing region. The CCDM is a national research centre co-supported by Curtin University and the Grains Research and Development Corporation.
Crop Disease Podcast
2023 Seasonal and national update on crop disease (late August) - what's happening where?
The 2023 season is headed towards harvest, and there’s definitely a mixed bag of some good and some not-so-good going on across the country. But what’s going on where? That’s where we come in.
Along with CCDM’s Mark Gibberd, join Megan Jones as she speaks to four agronomists/advisors in late August to find out the current issues of the season and the next management strategy to think about. We'll hear from:
- Tessa Dimond, AGnVET Rural, St George, QLD, on the dry year so far, and with that, the low disease risk. But also on the importance of keeping up good agronomic practice and not becoming complacent.
- Fred Broughton, Rural Management Strategies, Cootamundra, NSW, on how the season is looking good, and how they’re now trying to work out whether or not to spray a final fungicide this season.
- Mick Faulkner, Agrilink Agricultural Consultants, Penwortham, SA, gives a detailed rundown on what diseases are happening where, and discusses how low disease levels could be attributed to the good management of the green bridge earlier in the season.
- Monica Field, Farm and General, Esperance, WA, attributes the low disease levels to the weather pattens in the region, with some crops looking quite good, yet disease levels are still lower than expected.
This podcast can be found anywhere where you get your other podcasts from, just search “Crop Disease Podcast”.
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