Crop Disease Podcast
Constantly dealing with disease outbreaks on your paddock? Sprayed a fungicide lately that just didn’t seem to work? Or perhaps trying to catch up on some agronomy while on the move? Join Megan Jones from the Centre for Crop and Disease Management (CCDM) as she interviews researchers, growers and agronomists on all things crop disease from across the Australian grain growing region. The CCDM is a national research centre co-supported by Curtin University and the Grains Research and Development Corporation.
Crop Disease Podcast
2024 Seasonal Update - REVIEW: How did we go across Australia?
We’ve hit mid-October, and the season is coming to an end. So how did the season finish up in different regions of Australia? That’s where we come in.
Along with CCDM Director Mark Gibberd, join Megan Jones as she speaks to three agronomists to find out the current issues of the season and what they would have done differently if they could do the season again. We'll hear from:
- Rohan Brill, Brill Ag, Riverina Region, NSW, on one of the most major frost events he has seen in his career, with some farm businesses losing as much as 80% of yield potential in some paddocks. He also speaks on setting up for next year with controlling weed seeds and how to go about stubble management.
- Jana Freebairn, Pinion Advisory and WeedSmart, Freeling, SA, on a close to Decile 0 season, with growing season rainfall well below average and some areas in the Lower North experiencing the driest year on record. She also talks about how she’s seen a massive response in yield in any paddock where there’s been a bit extra stubble cover or where weeds were controlled over summer.
- James Bee, Elders, Albany, WA, on how the late start and low average rainfall has affected the region, but how he was still hopeful of some average results, especially in areas where good soil management and attention to weed control had taken place. Also on how soil amelioration in his region has helped with split emergence and will continue to be carried out by growers into the future.
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